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大众包团游Pre- organized tour packages

Organized Tours畅游兰卡公司有一系列精心设计的旅游线路供您参考选择,其中涵盖了华人游客最心仪的旅行景点,酒店住宿,早午晚餐,出行门票及服务,您只需从中选择一种最适合自己的旅行路线,畅游兰卡便会为您安排好其他一切事物,为您省时省力又省心!We have lots of pre-planed tour packages for you to select. Generally they are based on the commonest sites that Chinese tourists like to visit and the traveling durations also vary from each other. You just have to select a suitable tour plan for yourself and we will arrange the rest things for you. These packages include all experiences for traveling, accommodation, main meals and entrance tickets.

私人定制游Planing customized tours

Planing customized Tours自己的旅行,自己定制。游客只需联系畅游兰卡公司资深旅行顾问,把出发地、目的地、旅行预算、心怡景点、酒店包车等信息告知旅行顾问,即可获得最高端的私人定制的梦幻旅行。游客不仅能完全自主地设计自己的旅行计划,还可以根据自己的需求对公司已有旅游行程作出改变,使其变成最适合自己的私人旅行。快来做自己旅行的主人吧!We will help you to plan your own tour in Sri lanka as you wish. You just have to contact our customer service and discuss about your plan. They will assist you in designing your dream holiday.

Not only planning your own tour, you can customize our pre-planed tours according to your requirements also.

交通服务Transportation service

Transportation service畅游兰卡公司配备有专门的空调旅行私家车、大巴车等,无论您需要高端大气的商务车,还是灵活小巧的小汽车,您只需联系畅游兰卡旅行顾问,车钥匙立即送到您手中!为了保证您能获得最方便、快捷、省时、省钱的路线,请把您旅游目的地和住宿酒店告知公司资深旅行顾问,我们会安排司机走最快捷路线。旅行路线一旦制定,中途不容更改,否则您将为变动线路支付额外费用。Our company have a capacity to provide any number of air condition passenger vehicles according to your requirement. Even you only needs to rent a vehicle, still we are willing to help you.

旅行专用车司机会使用英语为您服务,在旅行过程中为您尽可能提供帮助,但司机不会介绍景点,也不能提供导游服务。In order to provide you with the lowest price, you have to inform the company of the destinations and the hotels you are gonna stay during the visit. Driver will take you according to pre-planed program and you can not change the planed destinations or add new destinations during the tour. If you wants to do so, you have to contact the company and pay additional charges.

Drivers will communicate in English and help you to have a nice vacation. But they will not explain about sites and will not provide guiding service.

英语导游兼司机Transportation with chauffeur guide

Transportation with chauffeur guide如果您选择了英语导游兼司机,畅游兰卡公司会为您提供一个拥有导游执照经验丰富的司机,司机会用英语与您交流、介绍景点信息。为了保证您能获得最方便、快捷、省时、省钱的路线,请把您旅游目的地和住宿酒店告知公司资深旅行顾问,我们会安排司机走最快捷路线。旅行路线一旦制定,中途不容更改,否则您将为变动线路支付额外费用。If you choose this option, driver of the vehicle also will work as a English speaking guide. They are well trained professionals with guide license.In order to provide you with lowest cost, you have to inform the company of the destinations and the hotels you are going to stay during the visit. Driver will take you according to pre-planed program and you can not change the planed destinations or add new destinations during the tour. If you wants to do so, you have to contact the company and pay additional charges.

中文导游服务Chinese speaking guide service

Chinese speaking guide service畅游兰卡公司还提供纯正中文导游服务,为您配备一个会说中文的资深兰卡向导,导游在服务全程会用中文与您沟通、介绍景点信息、照顾您的生活起居,让您在异国他乡也能行走自如!You will have a warmhearted friendly Chinese speaking national guide who has broad knowledge about the Sri lanka and he will accompany you during the tour. He will explain all the things in Chinese language and will make you satisfied in all aspects.

景点导游及中文翻译Translator with site guide service

Translator with site guide service如果您选择景点导游及中文翻译,畅游兰卡公司会为您配备一个会说中文的兰卡翻译人员,并且在每个景点都会为您配置一名当地景点向导,由翻译人员为您翻译成中文,让您能更全面、更透彻地了解斯里兰卡。翻译人员还会在旅行过程中全程陪伴,照顾您的生活起居,让您的兰卡之旅更顺心! 小贴士:景点导游及中文翻译会比中文导游服务更省钱哦~We will provide you a well trained professional who is well capable in speaking proper Chinese. He will work as your own interpreter and will help you during the tour. When you arrived to a site, company appointed site guide will explain about it and warm-hearted interpreter will translate it for you. By selecting this opinion, you can reduce the expenses than having a Chinese speaking native in you side.

酒店预定Hotels reservations

Hotels reservations由于畅游兰卡公司长期和斯里兰卡各星级酒店合作,因此公司能为您提供超值的酒店预订服务,我们会贴心地在您到达酒店之前与酒店确认预订信息,保证您住宿的安全性及稳定性。斯里兰卡各星级各品种酒店任您选择!We are willing to reserve hotels on behalf of you for unbelievably lower prices than you can get online. Always we will make sure to confirm your hotel reservations prior to your arrival to the hotel. You can select various types of hotels with in broad price range.

门票预定Entrance tickets

Entrance tickets畅游兰卡公司还为您提供门票预订服务,无论您想出海观鲸、骑大象、玩漂流,还是漫步在世界尽头、坐牛车、看佛牙,公司都能为您提供打折票价,为您解决旅行高峰“一票难求”的问题!We can help you to reserve entrance tickets on behalf of you. For some entrance tickets we can provide you a discount and you will not face problems like unavailability of entrance tickets.

Sri Lanka Visa

Sri Lanka VisaAc facilisis a, consequat justo, interdum porta class commodo sodales nibh a ipsum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit amet proin. Lectus arcu scelerisque mi, tellus ve, dui lorem, non etiam elementum.

大众包团游Pre- organized tour packages

畅游兰卡公司有一系列精心设计的旅游线路供您参考选择,其中涵盖了华人游客最心仪的旅行景点,酒店住宿,早午晚餐,出行门票及服务,您只需从中选择一种最适合自己的旅行路线...We have lots of pre-planed tour packages for you to select. Generally they are based on the commonest sites that Chinese tourists like...

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Organized Tours
Planing customized Tours

私人定制游Planing customized tours

自己的旅行,自己定制。游客只需联系畅游兰卡公司资深旅行顾问,把出发地、目的地、旅行预算、心怡景点、酒店包车等信息告知旅行顾问,即可获得最高端的私人定制的梦幻旅行。...We will help you to plan your own tour in Sri lanka as you wish. You just have to contact our customer service and discuss about your plan...

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交通服务Transportation service

畅游兰卡公司配备有专门的空调旅行私家车、大巴车等,无论您需要高端大气的商务车,还是灵活小巧的小汽车,您只需联系畅游兰卡旅行顾问,车钥匙立即送到您手中!为了保证您能获得最方便、快捷...Our company have a capacity to provide any number of air condition passenger vehicles according to your requirement. Even you only needs to rent a vehicle...

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Transportation service

英语导游兼司机Transportation with chauffeur guide

如果您选择了英语导游兼司机,畅游兰卡公司会为您提供一个拥有导游执照经验丰富的司机,司机会用英语与您交流、介绍景点信息。为了保证您能获得最方便、快捷、省时、省钱的路线...If you choose this option, driver of the vehicle also will work as a English speaking guide. They are well trained professionals with guide license...

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Transportation with chauffeur guide
Chinese speaking guide service

中文导游服务Chinese speaking guide service

畅游兰卡公司还提供纯正中文导游服务,为您配备一个会说中文的资深兰卡向导,导游在服务全程会用中文与您沟通、介绍景点信息、照顾您的生活起居,让您在异国他乡也能行走自如!You will have a warmhearted friendly Chinese speaking national guide who has broad knowledge about the Sri lanka...

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景点导游及中文翻译Translator with site guide service

如果您选择景点导游及中文翻译,畅游兰卡公司会为您配备一个会说中文的兰卡翻译人员,并且在每个景点都会为您配置一名当地景点向导,由翻译人员为您翻译成中文,让您能更全面...We will provide you a well trained professional who is well capable in speaking proper Chinese. He will work as your own interpreter...

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Translator with site guide service

酒店预定Hotels reservations

由于畅游兰卡公司长期和斯里兰卡各星级酒店合作,因此公司能为您提供超值的酒店预订服务,我们会贴心地在您到达酒店之前与酒店确认预订信息,保证您住宿的安全性及稳定性。...We are willing to reserve hotels on behalf of you for unbelievably lower prices than you can get online. Always we will make sure to confirm your hotel reservations...

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Hotels reservations
Entrance tickets

门票预定Entrance tickets

畅游兰卡公司还为您提供门票预订服务,无论您想出海观鲸、骑大象、玩漂流,还是漫步在世界尽头、坐牛车、看佛牙,公司都能为您提供打折票价,为您解决旅行高峰“一票难求”的问题!We can help you to reserve entrance tickets on behalf of you. For some entrance tickets we can provide you a discount and you will not face problems...

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